Tuesday, July 20, 2010

So we are getting uniforms

Time to get suited up. Tara and I went to Mens' Wearhouse on Route 46, because according to George Zimmer, "I will like the way I look."

We sat down and spoke with Leslie and she was very pleasant and patient with Tara and I, mostly me. We went through the book they had there and she showed me all the tuxedos they offered. The catalog had very friendly looking models in it, one of them looked like Bradley Coooper.

What I realize I truly do want is to learn how to play Baccarat. So I asked Tara if we could go on a cruise somewhere so I could wear a white suit since, I will not be wearing a white tux. This was decided because, I might look too much like Miami Chuck of the Colombian drug cartel and Baptist Preacher.

They offered me Chuck Taylors to wear, perhaps because my name is Chuck. I told them no, because James Bond would not wear Chuck Taylors. If you look really hard at this picture you can almost see my brain through my left nostril.

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